I fell in the grave I myself shovelled.
without notice i just suddenly, accidentally, stepped onto it.
I thought I wasn't digging deep enough to even engulf half of me, I wasn't even trying.
But the hell it happened!
Darkness blinded me as I dugged out, but then I realized, I'm trapped.
I tried to surface the earth and cry for help, but I thought, I will be saved but the dug-out will be re-soiled, covered, not open, gapped.
That would mean tragedy, since the single soul who delivers the light that ignites my joy could re-coil and shy away in fear and disomfort or disgust.
Levelled actions fuels the virginity of our frat, without malice, pure and simple, no hang-ups and attatchements.
No more, hopefully no less.
So I'll stay in, it musn't hurt, I shouldn't die, I couldn't!
There's no reason at all!
I'll be steady and balanced, controlled and composed.
Then spell out my tantric mantra, 'hope for a possibility, not for a silly dream.'